It was less than two months ago that we bench marked the number of Revere Ware related listing on eBay at just under 13,000. But now:
Wow. Just wow. It is hard to pinpoint exactly what is causing this upsurge to continue at such a rapid rate. In much of the country, life is slowly getting somewhat back to normal. Our sales have slowed a little from the holiday high, but still remain far above our typical level as evidenced by this graph of monthly sales for all the years we’ve been in business.
You can see 2020 broke ranks in March / April from prior years and continued at a high level throughout the year, interrupted only when we removed our parts from in October 2020 due to some inappropriate customer behavior. This year the part has continued, with last months sales more like what a typical December used to be like.
There has been a lot of talk about what changes that were forced upon us by the pandemic will remain. It seems that cooking at home is still wildly popular by all measures.
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