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Brand new vintage Revere Ware set on eBay (super rare)

Update: This sold for a very reasonable price in the end.

This is unheard of.  In over 10 years of watching Revere Ware items on eBay, I have never seen a set like this, only over the odd single new vintage piece.  And with a starting bid this low, it may be a real steal for someone.

I wouldn’t be surprised if this went for $500 or more in the end.  But even at that price, It would be a great deal.

There are some other good deals on sets on eBay right now, like these two (one and two); used, but in good condition, well rounded sets, and a good price.

What is up with that speckled handle?





Removing walnut stains from a marble countertop

I pride myself on savvy kitchen problem solving, but this one had me stumped for a bit.

We have a nice big white marble island in our kitchen.  From time to time, it will get a stain, like the time the kids left a pink feather on the counter and it got wet; pink stain in the marble.

My go to for stains natural stone has been a baking soda poultice, which you get by just mixing baking soda with enough water to make it the consistency of toothpaste, apply over the stain liberally, cover with plastic, and it will pull the stain out of the stone.  Mu understanding of how this works is that the water travels constantly between the stone and the moist baking soda, and the baking soda has a higher affinity to capture the stain molecules than the stone does, so eventually all the color ends up in the baking soda.  Works like charm.

But it doesn’t work on every stain, and there are many types of poultice designed for specific stains.

About a week ago, my wife was soaking walnuts. We soak them to remove the bitterness (and make them easier to digest) and then dry them in our dehydrator.  But this time someone bumped the bowl and some of the water got out and formed a puddle on the counter.  A few hours later when I went to wipe it up there was a nasty brown stain about 10 by 18 inches long.  It looked kind of like this, but much larger and slightly darker (I wish I had taken a picture).

My trusty friend, the baking soda poultice, had no affect on this stain.  I even let it sit for several days.   I was a little worried that this stain might be permanent.

Searching the internet for how to remove walnut juice stains doesn’t bring up a lot of answers, as I think it isn’t a very common problem. Who other than the odd nut like us actually soaks walnuts?

I did find one roundabout reference to trying bleach on some stains.  So tonight I sprayed some bleach water on the stain, and let it sit for a few minutes.  Almost like a miracle, the stain … just … disappeared.

I still can’t quite believe it.  I am quite relieved.

Hopefully this blog post makes it easier for someone else to find this solution directly.


Old style handle on eBay

I’ve mentioned a number of times in our blog posts that if you are patient, you can often find what you need on eBay; some things don’t come up often, but the eventually do.  The best way to keep informed is to create a saved search on eBay which will email you when there is a match.

The old style handles with the two screws close to the pot side of the handle is one example.  I do see a pair every 3-4 months on eBay.  One appeared in my search emails today.

If this is what you need go ahead and snap it up.  That is a very good price for a rare item.


Oh Amazon

I think these two returns from Amazon customers do a great job showing how ridiculous they can be sometimes.

This has been an ongoing problem with Amazon.  They periodically remove listings claiming high return rates, but are returning clearly defective items back to inventory to be resold again and again.  Sigh.


Mr. Screwge

We are pretty clear on our website and on that our knobs don’t come with screws:

And yet the most often complaints we receive are along the lines of “Why isn’t a screw included with the lid knobs? or “My lid knob came missing the screw.”  And people get angry about this.

Any Revere Ware aficionado knows that the classic copper bottom Revere Ware lids have a screw welded to them.  For us to include a screw along with our knobs, for the 1% or less of people whose screw has rusted and fallen off, or they are trying to use our knobs with something other than Revere Ware would simply be a waste, and would have added unnecessary cost to the production cost of the knobs.  We’ve been accused of being cheap and have been called names for not including a screw.  🙁

If you do need a screw or your lid screw has come off, we have some simple instructions for fixing this which includes the specifications for the type and length of screw you will need, which you should be able to get at any hardware store.


Corelle’s Instant Pot hitting head winds

A few years ago we pointed out that Corelle being merged with Instant Brands, makers of the Instant Pot was kind of funny given that the Instant Pot is a lot like, if not identical to a former Revere Ware product, the Meal-n-Minutes pressure cooker, which saw the light of day several decades before the Instant Pot.  Marketing, I guess, or perhaps people just weren’t ready in the 80’s.

Anyways, sales of instant Pots, selling like hot cakes during the height of the pandemic, are apparently slowing down now, and the division of Corelle that owns them is considering doing some restructuring as a result. Perhaps everyone already has one now.


More mystery handle-less pans

We first reported on these back in 2020.

Reader Jim also came across a very nice set of these with the same distinct features – no handle, and no bottom stamp.

At the time we got an anecdotal report that these were on-off defects that were likely brought home by someone that worked at the Revere Ware factory and that is still our best theory today.

I would think they would make perfect baking pans.


Running low on large 2-screw vintage pan handles (VPAH-L) and small 1-screw pan handles (PAH-S)

Update 3/10/23: The large 2-screw handles are back in stock.  We still have the small single screw handles but continue to run low on stock.

The large 2-screw handle for vintage Revere Ware pans is our most popular size.  They fit the vintage style skillets and sauce pans like these.

We are running low on inventory and it will likely be 2-3 months until we get more.  If we are out of them on our website, you can always check the stock.

On another note, we are also running low on the stock of the smallest of the single screw pan handles.

These fit the newer style pans and skillets made in the 70’s and beyond.

They are also our most popular size of that style.  However, unlike the handles above, we need to manufacture more of these so it will likely be 3-6 months until we have those back in stock.  If we don’t have them in stock on our website, you can also check the stock for those.


Be sure to give us your correct email address in our contact form

There have been a rash of bounces backs lately for customer service emails people have sent me.  I feel bad because they are probably thinking we didn’t answer their request.  Please take care to enter your proper email address when filling out our contact form.  So I’ll post the answers here and clear my conscience. 🙂

Jane asks:

I am wondering what the weight is of RW muffins pans ? I have seen for sale the 2516 h90A – and other pans with a different h number- I am looking for an 18/10 SS pan – your help in figuring out the weight of the pans I have seen – their numbers and what they mean would be appreciated.

I’ve never owned a Revere Ware muffin pan so unfortunately have no idea of their weight.  I also have no idea about the numbers off the top of my head but I am always willing to take a look if you send me a pciture; perhaps it will spark something.

Marsia asks:

My Revereware copper bottom 10″ skillet has a 1/2″ spline. I have no idea what year it was made.
The handle has been missing for years, so I don’t know if it had one or two screws,
What size should I order to replace the handle.

I would need a picture of the skillet to better assess.  I can’t recall every seeing a 1/2″ spline.

Renilda asks:

I have an old Revere Ware Dutch oven. The handle on one side fell off. I have the handle, bracket, and screw, but can’t figure out how to get it to stay back on. Also have been unsuccessful in finding any videos of how to do it. Can you help? Thank you!
The handle brackets were likely spot welded on.  The only way to repair them would be to take them
to a welder or machine shop and ask them to weld or braze the brackets back on.
Here is our information on that type of repair:
Sandi asks:
I’m sitting here with a tape measure and my handle off my small pot (1970 wedding gift) and I’m 99% positive I need the screws (hardware) for the smaller handle. But! I want to be positive so, could you please tell me what the heck a ‘spline’ is? Thank you! Sandi
The spline is the metal piece that the two handle halves attach to.
It is the long and thin part that comes off the side of the pot.  The small handles
go onto a spline that is 3/8” “tall” which is the measurement from the bottom side
of that metal piece (toward the stove) to the top side (towards the ceiling).
Any other size (5/8” or 3/4”) will require the M/L/XL hardware set.