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Archive | May, 2024

Our store will be closed for the summer, starting June 5th

After 15 years of selling replacement parts, providing answers to any and all Revere Ware related questions, and meticulously building a sizable stable of Revere Ware related memorabilia and information, we are nearing the end of serving the Revere Ware community.

We will be closing the store entirely by the end of 2024.  We will also be taking a pause on sales and responding to emails over most of the summer, in order to do some travel and have quality family time without interruption.

The last orders we will accept before our summer closure will be on June 5th.

The last customer emails we will answer before shutting down for the summer will be on June 13th. 

Post-2024, we would very much like to see someone else continue to provide this service.  If you are interested in taking on this business and are prepared to make a reasonable offer, please contact us.


Saying goodbye to Amazon

We recently sent what will likely be our last shipment of parts to the Amazon marketplace, for at least a while, as we get closer to our summer sales pause.

If you wish to purchase any of our parts from Amazon, you may want to do so sooner than later; many of them currently have less than a months worth of inventory remaining.