People often confuse us with the company that owns the official Revere Ware brand, World Kitchen LLC; we receive the occasional request for warranty claims, despite the disclaimers posted both on our home page and contact form. Yes there is a Revere Ware in our name (we sell only parts and have information for Revere Ware cookware) but I suspect it is more wishful thinking than anything else that drives people to contact us; we actually respond to every single email and letter we receive, and have tons of useful information posted on our site. I have yet to get a response from an email I’ve sent to World Kitchen’s customer service, and I’ve tried quite a few times.
So, just to reiterate, we are NOT the Revere Ware company and can not handle warranty claims for broken Revere Ware cookware. You can find the official Revere Ware company here, their warranty information here, and their contact information here.